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BEE Our Valentine

In honor of St. Valentine, who is also the patron saint of beekeepers—

—charged with ensuring the sweetness of honey and the protection of beekeepers, we are proud to boast about our bee-friendly landscape.

We maintain turf areas and pollinator environment. We keep our lawn, and even our pastures, at least 3” tall. Taller lawns shade the ground, preventing too much moisture from evaporating while also discouraging weeds from sprouting. We use pasture rotation and hold off on mowing lawns while flowers are blooming to increase the amount of forage available for our pollinators. We are delighted to see the rusty patched bumble bee (Minnesota’s state bee), that once was common but due to factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, pathogens, and climate, among others, the rusty patched is an endangered species. We also enjoy seeing the monarch (Minnesota’s state butterfly), return as it too has experienced similar precipitous drops in its population. You don't have to live in the country to participate!

BEE the Change and check out these resources:

Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources BWSR focuses on helping private landowners enhance conservation practices on their land to achieve state goals for clean water, clean air, and abundant fish and wildlife.

Blue Thumb — Blue Thumb Partnership is a network of clean water and native plant stewards creating change by bridging the gap between knowledge and action by offering resources and programs to Minnesotan residents. On their website you’ll find resources on native plants, designers to consult on a landscape renovation, where to buy seed and native plants, or grants to help pay for pollinator projects.


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